PGWARE Throttle 6 ini merupakan sebuah software kecil yang memiliki kemampuan sama dengan Netscream a, tampilan nya pun juga sangatlah mirip.
PGWARE Throttle 6 ini memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja koneksi internet kita. Sesuai dengan judul softwarenya "Maximum Internet Performance" hehehhehe..
Ayoo buat temen-temen yang ingin internetannya lebih kenceng, silahkan di download !! hohooheho
- Compatible with Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP & Windows Server 2008, 2003. 32-BIT/64-BIT ready.
- Instantly increases the speed of your internet making downloads faster, surfing the web faster and playing online games without lag.
- Increases the speed of all internet connection types such as Cable, DSL, U-Verse, Fios and dial-up satellite and mobile phone (2G/3G/4G).
- Saves you money by maximizing your current internet connection without having to upgrade to a higher package with your ISP.
- Easy to use software that allows you to make permanent changes to your computer and modem with a single click.
- Playing online multiplayer games is now a lag-free experience due to many of the settings Throttle makes to the computer.
- Changes are made to the Windows system directly, allowing these settings to work for all modems and wireless routers.
- Constant updates to the software add new performance tweaks to allow you to take advantage of improvements that your system is capable of.
Microsoft ® Windows 2000, 2003, 95, 98, Me, NT, Vista, XP, 7
Intel ® Pentium (or compatible) 90 MHz or higher processor
16 MB of computer memory or higher recommended
PC Mouse or other pointing type device
Microsoft ® Internet Explorer 4 or higher installed
Download :
Installer + Crack :
Download PGWARE Throttle 6 + Crack Via MF (2 MB)
Crack Only :
Download Crack PGWARE Throttle 6 Via MF (700 KB)
Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit) Worked
Posted by Admin Okky
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