Misalnya, temen-temen memasukkan foto temen-temen sendiri, nah temen-temen bisa menjadikan foto tersebut menjadi sebuah file icon yang bisa temen-temen pakai untuk
Jadi misalnya temen-temen punya folder album pribadi, nah temen-temen bisa ganti deh tuh bukan gambar folder, tapi gambar foto temen-temen... hohohooho Ayooo dicobaaa...
With Perfect Icon 2.41 you can:
- Create stylish icons for all Windows systems, including Windows XP
- Apply different effects and styles to icons
- Create semi-transparent icons with shadow for Windows XP
- Create icons from pictures, including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, PNG and other image formats
- Create icons from screen captures
- Modify folder icons
- Modify file-type icons
- Customize standard Windows Icons
- Repair Windows icon cache
Download :
Installer + Keygen :
Download Perfect Icon 2.41 + Keygen Via MF (6 MB)
Keygen Only :
Download Keygen Perfect Icon 2.41 Via MF (70 KB)
Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit) Worked
Posted by Admin Okky
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